'It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.'

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Saturday, May 21, 2011

On Friday 13th New York experienced the sixth annual Slovak Fashion Night!


My most favourite models  maxi skirt with Slovak traditional embroidery-Ina Budovská and evening dresses - Adriane Magdalene Toth

This year's motto of the fahion show  "Fashion Units - Fashion Fights Malnutrition" reflected the charitable aim of the event from which the proceeds were donated to the Maventy Foundation and their initiative to fight mulnutrition, save children lives and education in rural Madagascar.  If the guests wanted to find the connection between Slovakia and Madagascar, in the prestigious club Capitale in Manhattan, they could enjoy the exhibition  of Moric Benovsky, well known Slovak explorer and King of Madagascar from the 18th century. According to the organisers "this year number of visitors exceeded all expectations". The Slovak Fashion Night introduced Slovakian designers such as  Zlatica Hujbertová, Paulína Polonyová and Ingrid  Budovská  in tandem for the first time with the Austrian designer Adriane Magdalena Toth and Mialy Seheno from exotic Madagascar. 

Zlata Hujbertova and her "Homeless"

The fashion show production was very creative and dynamic. Especialy the creation of Zlatica Hujbertova and her original collection "Homeless" received a lot of attention and surprised even  New Yorkers who are not so easily moved by anything. This years event attracted media such as New York Times and Time Out  New York.


The Boadway actor Edward Mavere kept the atmosphere alive with his singing and acting.                          
Regular guest of the SFN an American designer with French roots Prince Wiliam III attracted a lot of attention. 
Charming hosting duo of Tamara Heribanová and American actor Brad Pennington, more known as a radiologist from Grace Anatomy, perfectly managed their witty Slovak-English dialogs. 

The Sixth Annual Slovak Fashion Night is the signature event of the +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York and the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York.

(c) 2011 Miro Vrlik Photography LLC 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

First photos from the Slovak Fashion Night May 2011

As hot as they could be  - first pictures from Friday's event from the photographer Miro Vrlik.
Slovak Fashion Night May 2011 password slovensko.

Enjoy and more to come!

(c) 2011 Miro Vrlik Photography LLC

Friday, March 11, 2011

Beauty pageant for Czech and Slovak girls in America


first year of beauty pageant for Czech and Slovak girls in America,

All single girls, older than 18 years of age with Czech or Slovak heritage - sign-up at

application deadline is March 31, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sex with one condition

With a regular sex you can increase your life espectancy but there is one very important condition – only with your own longterm partner.

According to the stats there was no husband that died during making love with his own wife. On the other hand there is no shortage of cases of men punished by the heart attack or stroke while having an affair.

Scale for the sexual activity

According to Dr. Jaroslav Hovorka in his published book  „Cesta do stáři“ (Path to the old age) there is a scale:

around 20 years old
250 x year
Up to 30 years old
150 x
Up to 40 years old
110 x
Up to 50 years old
90 x
Over 50 years old
60 x

Sex releases several hormones in the body, increases intimacy and bonding, and works against loneliness and depression. According to some studies frequent orgasms (about 100 per year) can increase life expectancy by 3-8 years.

I guess  there is no need for more encouragement J

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Smiling – recipe to your longer life?

Can we guess how long someone will live just by looking at their photograph?

A recent study conducted by Michael Kruger and Ernest Abel from Wayne State University suggests that smiling broadly, genuinely and more frequently may lead to a longer life.

The scientists asked volunteers to rate the smiles of 230 Major League Baseball Players from 1952.

They classified the player’s smiles in scale: as “no smile” (having no smile), “partial smile” and “Duchenne Smile”, named after a 19th century French neurologist Guillaume Duchenne and defined as “cheeks being both raised, corners of the mouth being raised and crow’s-feet wrinkles around the eyes”.

Kruger and Abel found the players, who passed away, their longevity directly correlated with their happiness as measured by their degree of smile: players with no smiles lived an average 72.9 years; those with partial smiles lived an average of 75 years; and those with “Duchenne Smile” lived an average of 79.9 years.

So big, authentic smile goes a long way … literally!

Source: Psychological Science

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beautiful and glowing winter complexion

Changing temperatures mean a change of routine, no matter which part of the world you live in. Knowing a little about how skin functions in the winter, and tweaking a few habits, can make all the difference between a dull winter complexion and glowing radiance.
·        Start the day with a two minute hot shower... but before you get out switch to cold water for about fifteen seconds. Then turn up the heat a little, and down again to repeat the process for about two minutes. Why would I want to do that?! I hear you cry! This is a simple hydrotherapy technique which revitalizes the skin by stimulating the flow of blood through the body. It is both invigorating and highly beneficial to the skin. So even though you may not really enjoy the process, just think of the all the good it’s doing you!
·        Use a good moisturizer. Choose a highly protective day cream which contains zinc oxide, and provides SPF30 protection to form a barrier against the elements. Creamier, water-in-oil emulsions are best. And don’t forget about your lips. Chapped lips are often the most noticeable problem for a lady in the winter. Use a highly moisturizing lip balm which provides a protective barrier, with vitamin E for good elasticity.
·        Exfoliate at least twice a week. This will remove dead cells and allow the skin to absorb extra moisture. The oil which we all complain about in the summer is no longer being produced because of cooler winter temperatures and central heating. Therefore the skin looses the water which should be retained in the lower dermis of the skin. This can lead to premature aging of the skin and fine lines, whilst your skin can appear puffy and grey. Nice!

HINT: You can make your very own handmade scrub at home, for example, from unrefined brown sugar by adding a bit of oil: almond oil for drier or grape seeds oil for oilier skin.
  • In the morning drink a glass of hot water with squeezed lemon. This Chinese herbal remedy is a sure-fire method of energizing your body. It will detoxify your entire system, including the liver and gall bladder. This means that your body will be able to clean the blood faster to get rid of toxins responsible for bad skin.
  • Simply sleep! Money can’t buy the benefits of a good night’s rest. Your oxygen levels will drop if you don’t get enough sleep, meaning that your cells will not be renewed as quickly. This is when degenerative skin aging sets in. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep a night to achieve absolutely painless benefits. It’s ideal!