'It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.'

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Saturday, May 21, 2011

On Friday 13th New York experienced the sixth annual Slovak Fashion Night!


My most favourite models  maxi skirt with Slovak traditional embroidery-Ina Budovská and evening dresses - Adriane Magdalene Toth

This year's motto of the fahion show  "Fashion Units - Fashion Fights Malnutrition" reflected the charitable aim of the event from which the proceeds were donated to the Maventy Foundation and their initiative to fight mulnutrition, save children lives and education in rural Madagascar.  If the guests wanted to find the connection between Slovakia and Madagascar, in the prestigious club Capitale in Manhattan, they could enjoy the exhibition  of Moric Benovsky, well known Slovak explorer and King of Madagascar from the 18th century. According to the organisers "this year number of visitors exceeded all expectations". The Slovak Fashion Night introduced Slovakian designers such as  Zlatica Hujbertová, Paulína Polonyová and Ingrid  Budovská  in tandem for the first time with the Austrian designer Adriane Magdalena Toth and Mialy Seheno from exotic Madagascar. 

Zlata Hujbertova and her "Homeless"

The fashion show production was very creative and dynamic. Especialy the creation of Zlatica Hujbertova and her original collection "Homeless" received a lot of attention and surprised even  New Yorkers who are not so easily moved by anything. This years event attracted media such as New York Times and Time Out  New York.


The Boadway actor Edward Mavere kept the atmosphere alive with his singing and acting.                          
Regular guest of the SFN an American designer with French roots Prince Wiliam III attracted a lot of attention. 
Charming hosting duo of Tamara Heribanová and American actor Brad Pennington, more known as a radiologist from Grace Anatomy, perfectly managed their witty Slovak-English dialogs. 

The Sixth Annual Slovak Fashion Night is the signature event of the +421 Foundation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York and the Austrian Cultural Forum in New York.

(c) 2011 Miro Vrlik Photography LLC 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

First photos from the Slovak Fashion Night May 2011

As hot as they could be  - first pictures from Friday's event from the photographer Miro Vrlik.
Slovak Fashion Night May 2011 password slovensko.

Enjoy and more to come!

(c) 2011 Miro Vrlik Photography LLC